

Domestic Violence Intervention



Domestic Violence Intervention

Our IMPACT Domestic Violence Intervention Program offers a unique approach to the devastating problem of abuse and violence in our relationships and homes.*

*The IMPACT Program works only with men at this time; therefore, we refer to men as the abusers and women or other men as the victims. We understand, however, that men can be and are also abused. 

DISCLAIMER: State-certified DVIPs such as IMPACT operate under the exclusive jurisdiction of Title 01, Chapter 17, Section .0700 of the North Carolina Administrative Code. This Section of the Code includes guidance on how prospective programs become certified as well as how they must be structured and the policies, practices, and procedures a program must follow in order to maintain certification.

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Cognitive Behavior Program


Cognitive Behavior Program


i.cbi. (Cognitive Behavior Intervention) is a is a customizable 6-12-hour program designed for men and women ages 16+ who have been identified as having made poor decisions, such as petty larceny.

i.cbi is evidenced-based, effective intervention that will enhance a wide area of a person's life if he/she invests in learning the tools. Clients attend six weekly sessions of 2 hours each at a cost that varies according to client needs.

 i.cbi offers individual or small group sessions both virtually and in-person. Cost varies according to client needs. This program is only available in Charlotte, but it is also offered virtually.

IMPORTANT: Those who have abused, controlled or been aggressive with an intimate partner (current or former girlfriend/wife) are not appropriate for and will not be considered for this group; instead, please see IMPACT Program information.

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Anger Management Progam


Anger Management Progam



i.am. (Anger Management) is a customizable 6-12-hour program that serves the courts and both men and women ages 16+ who identify problematic anger and aggression within themselves. This program offers individual or small group sessions both virtually and in-person. Cost varies according to client needs.

IMPORTANT: Those who have abused, controlled or been aggressive with an intimate partner (current or former girlfriend/wife) are not appropriate for and will not be considered for this group; instead, please see IMPACT Program information.

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